Saturday, July 22, 2017


60 feels burned out, so the pan is off the heat. Pressure is falling.

60 feels like empty mind, turtle mind. 
Mercury transformed into lead.

60 feels like yeah, still no room for bullshit but I’m not pushing
the great river forward. I’ll stay out of your way.
Time has become late summer river before the fall rains.

60 feels like I’ve settled firmly, sometimes peaceful
pretty passive, and is grieving the withering blossom

60 is grappling with illness, loss of energy, strength, smarts and passion.

60 is a solar system away from 30 and a different planet from 50
when vitality and smarts were at my beck and call.

60 feels like sexual love is a velvet lined jewelry box.
Its lid shut and collecting dust.
The treasure trove of Eros did its job and is on to other projects.

60 still feels a devotion to beauty is what keeps me Alive, sane
and connected  to this tragic, comic, beautiful world.

60 feels alien. I don’t recognize the woman In the mirror
or the one struggling to function.

60 feels like good enough for now is a blessing
Because it would be beyond me to change it.

60 feels like her old professional persona no longer matters,
really isn’t interested in any of that, any more.  It was a good run.

60 feels so regular its invisible on the outside and vaporizing
on the inside, unable to fully engage the outer world.
Both inner and outer selves are receding. 

60 feels like it’s OK that it has been what it was and is what it is
And it’s necessary to grieve or be glad for what wasn’t or isn’t
and after grieving,  I’m still glad to live and love as best I can.

60 feels like there are patterns that repeat over and over
In the great mystery of all everything and sees we are destined
to forget, repeat, remember, repeat, forget, repeat, remember repeat …

60 is learning new things in the dance with destiny And never
thought 60 would be like this. Thought 60 and 70 would be like 50.

60 is sitting out the dance and instead of watching from the sidelines,
Is looking out the window and has a softer view of consciousness

60 is grateful for friends who are still older and wiser
And now the younger friends are wiser too.

60 is still OK playing the fool but it’s all the time, not just now and then.
There is shame in my own disapproval, till self-kindness arrives.

60 hasn’t played much in the last couple of years. It takes energy.
So when she does,  It brings deep, great -  joy.

60 still feels that humans personify God and that that’s where mistakes
have been made. But our projections are the best and all we have
for evidence. Barring of course the innate intelligence of all nature,
the Universe

60 still feels the truth is recognizable but in the last 5 years saw
how long it took to see it. Even older and wiser we cling
to what we’d rather have

60 has been around but knows the revolution
Is slowing down. Only so many seasons left.

60 know that ego concerns made our life in the outer world
make sense, were necessary for survival and thriving.
They are “the clinging”.

60 still knows the body is only in this world briefly. A life –
whether well or horribly lived only remembered by the living
for a couple generations.  Lemmings over a cliff.

60 is realizing that this moment and day are what matter most.
Its where destiny and love intersect.  It’s the only time
when you can actually do anything and the only time you are as
fully alive as you are. There may not be better,
more fully alive days or hours

60 is grateful for the support of others, needs it more than she
ever did before. Knows full well, everything she has –
shelter, food, all of it, is a state of grace.
Some of it was hard earned and some of it a gift.

60 struggles with being robbed early of the resources t
he vitality to give back more.

60 remains hopeful that she can recover some or all to be
able to further my dear young ones better than I can right now.

60 would aspire to have a showy fall bloom and ample harvest
before eternal winter arrives. To celebrate all that has made my life
so incredible, in some creative, inspiring way.

60 has reasons to live and heal If it’s my fate, or God’s will.
Mine is all there.

Cynthia Hennard,  June 18, 2017

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Today's uploads

It's been almost 2 years since I've posted any writing here. Says a lot about my life or the lack there of lately. All the writing uploaded today was written in 2009 and typed today. I had just never gotten around to typing it up. It all lives here, good and bad as my archive. Peruse at your own risk. I hope to continue to pull from my hand written work over the past 7 years and gather the drafts and final versions to date here over the coming weeks.
Blessings ~

Body Cry

She lays on the table face up
Covered only by a thick towel
Skin oiled limb by limb
Legs longer now, hips rotated
Ankles stretched, toes pulled
Breathing deeply through tension
Breathing quietly, peacefully, finally relaxed
Arms and fingers kneaded, wrung
Then the lung points held at the corners
The first and second ribs
Between the shoulder and collar bone
Gently just held there
And the tears come gently rolling
The breath catches
The choice point of opening to it
or closing it down presents itself
keep breathing
open the throat
loosen the jaw
noticing the crying sound
breathing with the crying breath
then the diaphragm compresses
the belly pulls hard then pushes
out old deep tears
the tears of years and years
of hurt beyond words
beyond knowing why or what
the belly pushes out the deep crying sound
the throat closes around it tuning it to keening
and each breath brings it like this for awhile
tears flowing, neck and hair wet behind the ears
points still gently held 
by hands listening to shifting
depths, pulses, receptivity,
refilling of the point
reregulation of qi
after a while keening quieter
breathing smoother, full
exhaling through mouth
then breathing very quietly
tears have stopped
then a palm rests gently
on sternum over heart
and a palm on forehead
dipping down through
into dreaming body time
as magic happens and all shifts
to peace, acceptance, self-empathy
then hands go to feet
then light brushing head to toe
energy clearing
“we’re done for now, take all
the time you need before getting up”
alone now
there is a big stretch
a hug to self
all the time you need
is not here in this room
or in this lifetime
but it’s a nice thought
and it means
no rushing out of this moment
no rushing
just respect and moving forward,
moving on



Late arriving, late leaving
Late waking, late sleeping,
late monthly reports, late evaluations
Late for dinner, late for meetings
Late growing up but precocious
Late driving, driving everyone off the road
Late is how adrenaline
Pulls fuzzy into focus
Autopilot stimulation
Neocortex riding a little higher
Hedonic tone more in tune
Thanks to a little late urgency
The check is in the mail – late
Late because I hesitate?
No late because there is too much
life to live In too little time
late because I underestimate
Always underestimate
How long it takes to do anything
Not just of late but all of my life
How long to brush teeth
To make toast and coffee
To go to the store and the bank
More than I thought
More than I can imagine
More than I know
I don’t live in your time
My moments expand
but the ticking time holds firm
Body chasing, world turning
Late or not


Early For Once

Mid-May in the late day
Sun still a little too cool
Waiting in the car
Listening to tunes
Windows open
Unitarians coming and going
For fellow writers to arrive
And unlock the door
That opens the channel
To the void from which
We draw our breath
And fashion words
Weave memory shards
Into stories and revisited
Uncertainties prompted


Only Love, No Magic

Insomnia resolves
Crying in my sleep
Don’t know why
Thoughts coming by
Visiting my heart

Sleeping limbo mind
Begs forgiveness
For the unforgivable

Which is the position
Of strength?

To love does mean
To pursue
and maintain connection
At times, one shares
A bunker
With the previous enemy
To survive
A mutual threat

Are we kidding ourselves?

We détente in times of death
Fear of dying alone
And the lesser arcana
Being motherless
Fatherless, childless

There is no magic man
Who will save you from
 This life – he says
No husband
No Buddha
No Jesus

The waters are still troubled
Stormy misconceptions
Love and forgiveness


Now I Lay Me

It’s very late
And I can’t wait
To quiet my head
In my cozy bed
And stop thinking
And start sinking
Into Akashic dreams
Where life stories
Stream strange
but true



Taxed tired
Traded time
Told tall tales
Tackled troubles
Tough teams
Triumphed today

I am behind
By a full day
And have to stretch
For the good
Unexpected company

The taped assessment
The monthly note
The signed billing
The dual diagnosis course
And writing the presentation
Will all just have to wait
Yes, it is late
And I am taxed and tired


Night Travelers

Night driving blinded
Spring snow showers
Lights too bright
Road too dark
in blackening wetness
especially when oncoming
lights approach
pray there are no
baby raccoon siblings
making their first
crossing tonight
pray if they are
we’ll see them
in time
pray they will
for some reason
wait till the safety
of darkness returns
to go from here
to the next great beyond


Buck up. You just gotta.

Mind numb with fatigue
Starts the weekend
Of taxes, monthly report
A three-hour assessment
Taped then written
And I hate it
so I’m whining
it should be MY TIME
now – yet years ago
I read – guess what?
It is all your time
There is no my time
Your time
No it is the only time
you will ever have
it’s this one life
and THIS is how
you’re living it
spending days, weeks,
months doing
things that are dry
boring, deadly and
Oh dear
The hippie in me
Wants to drop
In and out
Resist the madness
But you gotta
get out of debt first
sell your soul just a little longer
so nourish your soul now
and be a little stronger


Birthday Love

Son says sky dive
Feel alive and free
With me    Mom
Let’s take it on
You and me
Punch the walls out
On fear
Too much to ask?
Maybe so
But what I really want
For my 26th birthday
Is not a bunch of presents
I want a great shared experience
With you
If not skydiving
Then maybe a tattoo
Something big and special
That we share
That we dare
That we care
That we are


What You Take With You

We arrive early and are milling around someone’s life holdings, viewing the offerings collected since the 1930’s, that three generations held from the old country till now, to be sold at auction. It’ll all be over in a few hours. Reduced to cash as prized collections and sets are broken up, sold to different people, driving away in trucks, vans and Volvos. The family photo albums, scrap books and sometimes journals and handed down recipe collections usually left behind with the old Reader’s Digest books.

When it’s time to start, we sit in lawn chairs a little over heated under a tent on a perfect Vermont summer day, bees landing on the sausage and pepper sandwich that is irresistible after smelling it waft from the food truck for an hour. We are in an altered state here, frozen in suspension as the auctioneer’s hypnotic patter keeps us reeled in, the auction field pulling us all en masse to want and need things we’d otherwise never bother with at a yard sale. We are fascinated by the bidding styles everyone has: always start at half of whatever the auctioneer throws out and go from there. Offer a dollar when no hands are up to make friends with the Auctioneer. Poker faces and animated bidding wars, applause at the really big sales, everyone attentive even for the weird little collectable spoons they don’t care about but are keen to see what they sell for. For what it is worth, today. It could be worth a lot less at your shop tomorrow or way more than you paid.  

It starts an hour earlier, while wandering the house, an 1800’s stone beauty with stone floors and remarkably high ceilings. The rooms a circular flow, so around we go, examining fine and mismatched china, exquisite gold, silver, gems and costume jewelry, old and newer books, the collection of Indian prints and tchotchkes, straight worn old oak furniture, new pressed board storage warped by gravity, dark crawl spaces under eaves where it all goes till somebody needs it someday but no one ever does. Broken frames, old newspapers, sometimes history has a value and sometimes not. The first floor is laid out staging the best. The second floor will be sold as is on a walk through at the end of the auction. The beds, bathroom cabinets, the mundane dressers and closets of clothes, along with the tools, battery chargers, lawn mowers, snow blowers and hoses in the garage, the old paint and workshop jars of nuts and bolts, specialty tools and old rusty saws in the damp basement. The pickers get in each other’s way looking for hidden deals in the minutiae of the mundane. Barely making a living at this, they power through the dusty, detritus, trading glory stories of the few times they made a real killing, like the time they found fifty dollar bills between the pages of all the black books in a room after the picker who bought it was done with it and offered the dusty remains to them for free.

It’s all in the timing, variation of what is up next, a fifteen dollar floor lamp, a forty dollar yellow ware bowl, a twenty dollar train set, a bidding war for a twelve hundred dollar Chippendale chair, a thirty-five dollar set of chipped flow blue plates, a ninety dollar cardboard box of mildewed vintage linens, the three hundred-forty dollar lot of handcrafted silver and turquoise jewelry from the 40’s, the ten dollar microwave, the one hundred-fifteen dollar Georgia Balch painting I bought, the twenty dollar box of cranberry glass, the two hundred fifty dollar leather jingle bell horse harness, the five dollar giant box of Christmas decorations and the forty dollar box of a dozen vintage glass ornaments. And on it goes like this for three or four hours.

You wait all day for that one thing you secretly really want but would never tell, hoping everyone else will be asleep when the time comes or that no one would care or want that prized thing, that slender little mirror with the Indian on horseback meeting the sun or the four matching chairs that are not antiques but would work for Mom’s kitchen and the few commodes that fit anywhere including your little car on the way home. You end up with maybe one thing you had intended to win and a car full of random things that were too good to pass up. All of which will require you to honor that deal that you made with yourself about acquiring more stuff. Anything you buy from now on has to replace something you sell or give away. It has to be something you like better than what you have or will trade something for because you have downsized your life and are no longer acquiring. Sometimes, you know you can sell it, so that’s ok too. 

It was a time out of normal time. If you go often enough, you get to know all the dealers, collectors, pickers, and Ebay sellers in your area. A little community exists there. You learn over and over that when you die, your family and friends will have to wonder about the worth of your life’s collections, will have to decide, what is sentimental and what is just clutter and junk, will have to sort through the detritus that you couldn’t sort through and bravely part with yourself, will have to figure out how to move it out. They’ll have to fight the guilt of getting rid of what isn’t meaningful to them but that you kept as yours all these years. They may have coveted a few favorite things and know just where it will go and for all the maybe’s and shoulds they keep, will have to figure out where to put and how to integrate it in their already full lives.  Their home to will become and alter of things that will remind them of you or their grandmother, grandfather or great grandmother. After many surrenders and yard sales, they too will whittle it down to those most essential things because they have a preference for their own lives and their own things, as it should be because to them, you were never really what you had. You were how well you loved them or failed to.

5/24/09,  revised 2/28/16

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fast Pitch 1

Sitting in the box seats
for my first major league game
with my three year old son - too young?
For baseball?  For box seats?  Not possible...

We were right there
between home plate and first base
and for the first time
we watched every pitch.
Each pitch consistent yet different
and most clocking over 90 mph.

It was mesmerizing.
I found myself entranced
with the steady rhythm
of the pitcher's pattern
of feet roughing up the mound
chewing and spitting
looking to first and third
the throw to second to hold
the intrepid runner at first.

Hypnotic dynamics, the roaring organ
and the high volume announcers
shifting to talking low
during the feet roughing, chewing, spitting
coolly reporting the count of each pitch
trading stats and gossip up in the box
keeping up the background chatter.

Then, suddenly the volume explodes
the announcers, the crowd, loud
emotional and on the edge of sanity
during the scoring plays and errors
highlighting and replaying
the player’s record breaking skill
respectable hard earned athleticism
shameful loss of control
or poor sportsmanship.

The announcer, the classic organ
and ready to go band sound bites
the baseball anthems
and pulsing visuals
on the score board
guiding the full stadium
to ecstasy or let down
depending on which side
you are loyal to. 

Sometimes the play is so beautifully
executed and the team work so tight
you well up for the other side too.

By the second inning
nothing else in life matters.
It's all in the pitch.
I wonder if the pitcher's shoulders
look different under his shirt
if one is bionically muscled
and the other just regular
looking dwarfed in comparison.

It’s all the posturing out there
the nervous tics,  jaw tight, constantly chewing
and tongue packing his cheek,
hand adjusting brim backed hat
eyes moving with head not turning
suddenly between pitches
ball thrown to first
to hold back pandemonium
and this time he nails
that base stealer on the run.

I’m in awe, that nobody ever
misses the catch and has to go
running for it while the stealer
gets to 3rd or scores
like back in 5th  grade softball.

The pitcher and catcher speak volumes
silently, in sign, in front of their balls
or their faces where nothing registers
while each batter is sized up
and strategies are set between them
such that the batter may or may not know
what's coming at him.

And so it goes
inning after inning
the patterns, tics, talks
practiced perfections and errors
the lone batter up against
the pitcher’s team machine
and it’s all him no hers.

It's still a man's world
and it all rides on a fast pitch.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lily's Pad

Lily’s pad floats freely
tucked in neatly, flanked
by friend’s pads en-mass
circular, shiny, sun catching
dragon fly acrobats aeriel
tourmaline teal toast grey not shy
visit Lily’s pad in couplets
Lily’s pad a reliable oasis where
the brilliant meet and hang out.

That lily pad green much
like those first bell bottoms
big bold crisp green leaves on white
worn too many days of the week
the only ones I had
with desert boots way to big
to give me growing room
I would never need that much of,
often alone as a kid,
wading in silent reverie
in the tannic stream of life
but in good company.

Naturally, as it must always happen
brilliance fades in the summer dusk
grassy fields of darkening greens
disappear as the dewy night descends
and yes! Out pops our fire fly friends
beep beep beaming little green lights
reachable stars kids trap in jars
tangible first miracles
take us through
those early darkest nights
till morning’s light
calls for new adventures
ducking the neighborhood kids
slipping silently across the green fields
with her fresh spider webs and bee busy clovers
to be dazzled by my pals at Lily’s pad.

February 2011

Blue Spruce

Blue spruce blue Christmas
Pine, beer and turkey juices simmering
atmospheric steam building
Nana’s hot kitchen
only for the hard core
blue smoke twists off the end
of three cigarettes gathering in layers.
It pays to be short if breathing is necessary
while stealing date nut bread
and its cool cream cheese spread.

Black and blues neatly concealed
special cut glass sparkles, table shines
lifting porcelain reflections
to the sublime laid to rest for us on
crisp pure white table clothes.
Don’t fear spilled gravy
or deep red cranberry sauce
we eat to live here and live to eat
and afterward
black and blues disappear
as red knuckles wring out years
of excess pain
bleaching and rinsing,
starching and ironing
the linens, all of them
layered in tissue paper flat
put away in dark drawers
that smell of freshness.

Sitting around with coffee, cigarettes and cards
the women argue over what really happened
none of the men could handle it
my uncle, the youngest son
in his 68 blue corvette
drove me to the pines of Mount Grace
showed me things pure and true
like spruce seedlings starting themselves
in the cool moist safe place of his refuge
just before he moved out West for good.

February 23, 2011

Bittersweet Blindside

Overhead dim heaviness
hunkers handsomely draped
around hilly shoulders
all the land white wedding
ready, sparkling and pristine
no sharp edges today
all rounded corners
all dampened and silenced
no point in fighting it
something seeps into
soul system and weeping
would be right at a time like this
but all is static and dry
silently falling hope fleeing
like the dwindling woodpile
unnamable everything both
OK and all wrong
not OK and not all wrong
what does this blindside see
that lies without form or distinction
so silently covered in this
beautiful bittersweet moment
that lingers in the atmosphere
like the sultry wood smoke layering
its dusky hues in the
sparkling relief?

February 2, 2011


Extravagant is what gifts should be
Those lovely extras beyond the usual
functional necessaries
of a lean self-allowance.

The special chocolate or hand made salt from afar
the golden bees wax candles that smell of the hive
the fine design, the greatest of the small satisfactions
of still being alive
the catapulted sensory lift 
from the impacts of time, gravity
wear and tear
and mostly, of the mundane

In a world of plastic and polyester resin basics
extravagance is anything natural, elemental
non-composite, non-genetically modified
unprocessed, unfortified, unadulterated

In my world of paycheck to paycheck 
and hey, I’m grateful to have one,
extravagant is anything beyond my monthly bills.
Its the quality upgrade or the handmade, homemade
of extravagant hours submerged in creative productivity.

Extravagant will be that row of garlic next summer
bending in the breeze long after frozen fingers
and stiff joints packed them into their little graves
covering them for the long winter’s night
with their blankets of leaves.

Extravagant is the sensory world
when attention is grounded
the deep cleansing breath
the long sighing stretch
the simple life well attended.

The extravagant life is the antithesis
of mental poverty and superficial wealth.
It is what is fine, sublime, beautiful, comfortable, natural.
It is the luxury of time and presence
and the richest of it inherent in simply seeing, hearing, feeling 
and smelling the natural world and making something of it.

November 22, 2010


Websites for hunting and fishing
for lovers, for love
faces, images brought forward
self projections, protections,
multiple exposures
Who, what are you really
behind the shimmering
mirage of distance
Silicone valley of love
lies just further than here
Monsters can be blocked
profiles pulled for invisibility
but you have to show
yours to see theirs
available for everyone
to view, imagine, compare, capture, save

In order to be introduced, seen, picked, loved
a virtual promenade – alone and out of context
no proud mother walking by your side
helping you pick, unabashedly telling of your excellencies
allowing you to prance proudly or humbly
in the dress that smells of cotton that has hung on the line
sweet breeze wrapped round you
displaying a hint of your true nature

No, now it means settling for two dimensions
and a lot of imagination
a conversation begins
lots of reading between the lines
without the reptilian wisdom
of reading body language, eye contact,
without checking the chemistry
without the mystery of divine intervention

We tell ourselves we’re free
to make more conscious choices
intellect over sex appeal
What kind of love comes
of the small minded self-will
that would feed someone
all of your best lines
all of your needs and vulnerabilities
so they can exquisitely tell you
what you have needed to hear
all of your life
words to fill the vacuum
of your soul
fill the deep abyss
of a heart with cracks
where love leaks out like a sieve
and beneath it lies
an ocean desert mountain
of longing, longing, longing
even while you are telling them
that you’re cool and have a great full life
and don’t really need anyone

The love void, soul hunger
only really filled by loving
self and others when trying to get by
during the inevitable lapses
of forgetfulness that we are always embedded
inseparable from Divine love.

Cyberwords important yes
but like drugs – no replacement for real life
or the love of family, friends,
fools and mysterious strangers

on line hunting and fishing
hoping to get caught hook line and sinker
netted by a great love
as each hopeful soul leers out

like cruising an adoption registry
from an animal rescue
yes there’s a few bad habits
but ultimately still loveable...

lonely late night hours spent
nauseated by the lecherous dirt bags
or titillated by the peacock like display
of all those great catches, trophy lovers
and wondering which of these am I...

For fifty-nine dollars for three months
Hope flickers and disappointment looms
in the potential for delivery by the great universe
from beyond the little circle that I live in
of that next great love
that isn’t meant to be this way.


and again...

What is it that we really want?

...besides to be held and touched
in a way that anchors soul to earth
and not to be sabotaged, betrayed again
in the pursuit of a love life, a loving life,

no love knife flick of the wrist
casting off the dingy in the big rough waters
while you with your motor that always starts
or a perfect wind are already miles under way

and me, an expert by now in negotiating choppy seas
with only my own sheer will for oars will make
the best of being set free

totally free again to rebuild, redirect, resurrect
the holy mast of humble new beginnings.
Ever the beginning student of love - life...

October 2011

Pieced Together

So many years of driving
winding roads through
moose country blinding snow
storm squalls every
Wednesday night
only the guardrails
to keep you centered
nevermind the lines
these faded boundaries
invisible now.

All those years of weekly visits
followed by weekly phone calls
weekend workshops, week long conferences,
after years of graduate school,
years on the table breathing into feelings
phantom possessions
inviting the furies
to unleash their bitter tongues
then surprising them with healing
heart melting words and tones
and welcoming them back home.
Finally free.

June 2011

Making History

This much I know:

The Government (or the financially powerful behind the Government) here in America and Elsewhere, creates a Mythic Story in place of the Real Story when it needs to, to get what it wants.

They tell it to the Press.

The Press reports it as a real story, over and over.

The Press engages pundits and bystanders to report and debate the Mythic Story as if it were the real story.

There is an absence of questioning the story.

There is a culture of don’t ask, don’t ask.

The Mythic Story becomes history.

The Mythic Story becomes the platform of a mythic foreign policy for decades – for ever.

Politicians and intellectuals talk the talk and walk the walk of the Mythic History because they are indoctrinated by powerful allies with fabricated or spun insider “validated evidence”so they will operate with the Mythic Story as the true story worth defending at all costs.

There is a culture and practice of intimidation, out-casting, marginalization or elimination for anyone who effectively disturbs the status quo in any way.

The Myth makers tell the Press when to be silent and the Press then ignores any coverage of questioning or alternative opinions that could gain traction in dismantling the Mythic Story.

When a threatening challenge to the Mythic Story arises and gains a concerning level of traction, typically distractions like other moral dramas with a loaded emotional charge with either a unifying or divisive nature are broadcast as the next big story, obsessively repeated all day for several days or a week while simultaneously avoiding any mention of any other actual Real Stories or else a new Myth is created and sold to the Press in order to “handle it”.

Any catastrophe is a major boon time for the Government or the Powerful to get the things done on their agendas that may only be accomplished during the secrecy afforded by the world being consumed by the news and emotional reverberations related to the catastrophe.

To that end, Governments or the Powerful have a History of occasionally creating catastrophes when needing the benefit of secrecy, evasion and situational manipulation as well as the benefit of its either unifying or divisive impact on the society (whatever is most useful to the operation at hand) and this kind of evil is beyond the imagination or consideration of the average good person, making it unquestionable and ideal for Mythologizing.

This has probably been going on since the beginning of human time.

What’s harder to know, what I’ll maybe never know and will always be curious about is – What are the Real Stories?

May 2011

Manic Spring

High waters and still raining
squishy saturated earth
drowned worms    robin’s delight

Dormancy breaks slowly
over weeks of dark clouds
postponing the manic frenzy
of an all too short growing season

Even still, a young man on fire
has been up nights writing a new
constitution, rewriting will come later
ideas flooding swiftly with urgency 

to reright the country
he so loves, heal the only broken
mother and father he knows
no God to trust
no time for lust even

No one gets it.
He’s speaking in light speed fragments
and each one sparks clusters of revelations
critical to the revision

We talk of the pros and cons
of medicine meant to bring down
the idle speed enough to straighten
the thoughts and lengthen sentences
to allow paragraphs with coherence

so maybe he could have a good meeting
with the president
so maybe he could get this book out 
to the world so the good 
clueless people who mean well 
but just dont get it could see 
and things could be righted...

And we both fear the possibility
of the loss of it all, the silencing, extinguishing
of this passionate, well intended enthusiasm.
If he takes the medicine,

if he falls asleep it will take too long.
It won't be written.
While everyone slumbers in their anesthesia
tricksters will continue to ravage 
the integrity of his beloved 

this most magnificent 
and beautiful country
nobody is righting it and
in 2012 the World is said to end.

May 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remembering and Forgetting

Needy, greedy, wealthy, seductive…
Terrorism a reaction to or method of oppression.
We’re not really free to step outside the lines or think out of the box.
We’re oppressed and ignorant and can still be further exploited.

Terrorism – a reaction to or method of oppression,
lock-step the military industrial complex,
we’re oppressed and ignorant and can still be further exploited.
The media tell us over and over what we really want.

Lock-step the military industrial complex
Industrial public schools, factory farms feed and produce
model citizens for their corporate national grind.
The media tell us over and over what we really want.
The war on drugs is hype, they like us passive and stupefied.

Industrial public schools, factory farms feed and produce
model citizens for our corporate national grind.
Many of us no longer even say grace as we eat the sacrifice of so many prodded souls.
The war on drugs is hype, they like us passive and stupefied.
Miraculously, some thrive, become worldly and wise, with their hearts and souls in-tact.

Many of us no longer say grace as we eat the sacrifice of so many prodded souls.
While others pray and write, prodding us to WAKE UP
Miraculously, some thrive, become worldly and wise, with their hearts and souls in-tact,
integrating some version of the corporate national grind with soul food so they can still recall history, care deeply, suffer it all, without denial and perpetual oblivion.

While others pray and write, prodding us to WAKE UP,
we still can’t comprehend why terrorists fly into buildings:
unable to integrate some version of the corporate national grind with soul food so we can still recall history, care deeply, suffer it all without denial and perpetual oblivion.
Like naive little children, even the House and Senate bought in.

We still can’t comprehend why terrorists fly into buildings.
We’re terrified but the giant money mongering oppressor simply regrets it as part of the cost of doing business.
Like naive little children even the House and Senate bought in.
Which terrorists flew into buildings? Ours or theirs? We aren’t asking. This sacrifice, this media nightmare is their best opportunity to lick some tricks.

We’re terrified but the giant money mongering oppressor simply regrets it as part of the cost of doing business.
They wear the colors of Conservatives, Republicans and yes, Democrats
Which terrorists flew into buildings? Ours or theirs? We aren’t asking. This sacrifice, this media nightmare is their best opportunity to lick some tricks.
Their moral code says personal wealth by whatever means is the highest value.

They wear the colors of Conservatives, Republicans and yes, Democrats
Propaganda points the finger at the next Bad Guy that has what they want and declares “War On Terror”
Their moral code says personal wealth by whatever means is the highest value
War is usually a boon to somebody. The National Debt nicely funds unchecked corporate and private profits.

Propaganda points the finger at the next Bad Guy that has what they want and declares “War On Terror”
Meanwhile, we’ve got bills to pay and the car needs fixing and we’re too busy working overtime to pay attention.
War is usually a boon to somebody. The National Debt nicely funds unchecked corporate and private profits.
Troop withdrawal date? Sorry, that would interfere with profiteering and their future poaching plans.

Meanwhile, we’ve got bills to pay and the car needs fixing and we’re too busy working overtime to pay attention.
The media hides the news and spins the entertainment for a few weeks and eventually we forget.
Troop withdrawal date? Sorry, that would interfere with profiteering and their future poaching plans.
We’re blind that we oppress others, embedded in the corporate grind, corruption too tangled to fathom.

The media hides the news and spins the entertainment for a few weeks and eventually we forget.
Many years later and deeper in the lies, still not owning our imperialism,
We’re blind that we oppress others, embedded in the corporate grind, corruption too tangled to fathom.
Our great constitutional principles are dismissible when Big Money runs government.

Many years later and deeper in the lies, still not owning our imperialism,
the rich are getting richer and some have lost their minds with power.
Our great constitutional principles are dismissible when Big Money runs government.
Big money has bought politicians in all parties and writes its own laws.

The rich are getting richer and some have lost their minds with power.
Destabilization and the destruction of nations makes big business poaching possible.
Big money has bought politicians in all parties and writes its own laws.
Propaganda about hot moral issues divides us so we won’t work together and interfere with their plans to profit via armed robbery or whatever seems necessary.

Destabilization and the destruction of nations makes big business poaching possible.
Not enough votes or power to restore justice for lying our way to Iraq
Propaganda about hot moral issues divides us so we won’t work together and interfere with their plans to profit via armed robbery or whatever seems necessary.
Over population, peak oil ending, climate change, food and water shortages...

Not enough votes or power to restore justice for lying our way to Iraq
Legislative ball busting and blackmail keeps everybody on message...
Over population, peak oil ending, climate change, food and water shortages...
Embedded, unconscious, how will we not repeat it again and again?

Legislative ball busting and blackmail keeps everybody on message.
We’re not really free to step outside the lines or think out of the box.
Embedded, unconscious, how will we not repeat it again and again?
State Terrorism – a reaction to or method of oppression.....

Monday, June 13, 2011

I Like My Bike

I like my bike
I’m goin on strike
against my car
gonna see how far
my bike can take me

before you waste me
cause you’re on your phone
while you move your ass
with your big four wheels
and your expensive gas

I’ll be ridin my bike
my b b b b bike
in the rain, in the night
legs aching with the might
looking straight at you
and you hate my sight
cause I’m turning left
and you hate to wait
but I’m a bandit on my bike
passing cars and runnin lites
to my next meeting
and my next date
and if I leave a little early
then I won’t be late

I can take my bike
my b b b b bike
I’m goin on strike
against my car
won’t you join me
out on the tar
and take it back
from those big ol’ cars
the road is ours
you might steal my bike
but its not special
its got a basket and a lite
its just a simple bike

I like my bike
my b b b b bike
I like to hike
but its faster on my bike
and kinda fun on my bike
I learned to peddle
through the turns
I wear no helmet
so kill me if you hit me
that way it won’t hurt long

It doesn’t take my cash
I might pay
with road rash
no plans to crash
but accidents happen
I watch my ass
I know the code
I’ll let you pass

I like my bike....
I like my b b b b bike
I know its queer
to roll my pants up
so the chain won’t
fuck the dance up
as I rattle and roll
the breeze in my hair
oh so grey now
I don’t care now
I’m still on strike
and goin’ far
without my car

I like my bike
I like my b b b b bike
the seat still hurts
the hill still kills
I squeeze in spurts
breathing harder still
my chest slam heart fills
pounds my head and ears
only got three gears
I’m still outta breath
hafta walk it to the crest
but its OK

I still like my bike
I like your bike
I like to see you
on your bike
lets stay on strike
lets do our bikes
I like my bike
I like my b b b b bike
I like my bike.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


A wild wind blows here
through the empty pockets
of my soul, dogs howling
ghosts walking in the dark

every bang a stranger
at the door of fear
knocking loose every
unthatched idea precariously left

hanging leaving hollows
of whistling, rattling space
tattered dreams all strewn about
come daylight’s vision.

Hints and Glimpses

I don’t know about you
but I have these
strange moments
hints and glimpses
of the something else

the great unknowable
as if Gaia or God
dreams us up
we exist constellated
into substance
for a quick minute
in the stretch
of the infinite timeline
much like our own
ideas or children
consciousness manifest
in substance

Someone dreams
of walking and talking
things happen
dream thinking they are awake

Someone walks and talks
things happen
I say “You are awake,
I’m here, this IS happening.”
He looks deep into me
and asks in earnest
“How can you tell for sure?”

Somewhere a wise old lizard
hundreds of years old
crawls through the dream time
of a long life, perhaps many lifetimes

I too can recall some times
back then back when
things seemed so
real, certain, fixed
many lifetimes ago

The best and worst
of times all just ideas
in my mind pictures
in boxes with some fading
and tint changing
old tapes movies
of us back then
life really happened
as remembered and forgotten

Other life times of
wars, betrayals and loyal heroics
lovers, children, fortunes lost 
and remade days and nights 
of heaven, hell 
and numbed indifference
a dream to the demented
or the built in forgetter
inherent in human nature
allowing repetition repetition
disappeared in the day’s doings
re-minded, re-membered
re-lived in reveries
flashbacks, dreams

“All the live long day”
shifts in consciousness
hints of glimpses
walking and talking
the cosmic dream of real life
lives us.