Thursday, April 7, 2011


A wild wind blows here
through the empty pockets
of my soul, dogs howling
ghosts walking in the dark

every bang a stranger
at the door of fear
knocking loose every
unthatched idea precariously left

hanging leaving hollows
of whistling, rattling space
tattered dreams all strewn about
come daylight’s vision.

Hints and Glimpses

I don’t know about you
but I have these
strange moments
hints and glimpses
of the something else

the great unknowable
as if Gaia or God
dreams us up
we exist constellated
into substance
for a quick minute
in the stretch
of the infinite timeline
much like our own
ideas or children
consciousness manifest
in substance

Someone dreams
of walking and talking
things happen
dream thinking they are awake

Someone walks and talks
things happen
I say “You are awake,
I’m here, this IS happening.”
He looks deep into me
and asks in earnest
“How can you tell for sure?”

Somewhere a wise old lizard
hundreds of years old
crawls through the dream time
of a long life, perhaps many lifetimes

I too can recall some times
back then back when
things seemed so
real, certain, fixed
many lifetimes ago

The best and worst
of times all just ideas
in my mind pictures
in boxes with some fading
and tint changing
old tapes movies
of us back then
life really happened
as remembered and forgotten

Other life times of
wars, betrayals and loyal heroics
lovers, children, fortunes lost 
and remade days and nights 
of heaven, hell 
and numbed indifference
a dream to the demented
or the built in forgetter
inherent in human nature
allowing repetition repetition
disappeared in the day’s doings
re-minded, re-membered
re-lived in reveries
flashbacks, dreams

“All the live long day”
shifts in consciousness
hints of glimpses
walking and talking
the cosmic dream of real life
lives us.


At times between midpoints
not sure if I'm coming or going
staying or leaving, feeling or knowing

welcoming or dreading
all hangs in the balance
time flowing into the next fullness

dying or birthing, dying or birthing
be still, be still while the world turns
on its axis in its little orbit

its homey little pocket of the universe
I imagine its vastness is endless
unable to comprehend any edges

time and space dissipating perhaps
to the nothing of starless darkness
where no light shines yet

billions of years later -
Returning now back toward life
local time lapses this musing

like a swirling eddy spiraling off the edges
of the strong current a digression away
from the inevitable entropy
the natural progression of every summer
summoning the next big push of life energy
spent and the next time out of every winter

each fall asking - So how’d it go
How did you live, what did you sow?
Do you weep or will you reap

enough to get you through?
And if you make it through another winter
another ending, another change

would you do it all the same?
All this reflective mental game
one more hand to play

a house of cards 
in the absence of blowing winds
before dreamy sleep

or balmy walks in fields of wheat
or snow so deep
my heart to keep

her universal primal beat
keeping time in a treasure chest
marked time moves on – it doesn’t rest.

Burb Kiss

There in suburbia
space is bigger
so walking between
cars in the expensive
healthy food store
parking lot seems oddly
forced by the tight rows
of spatial efficiency

a man of practiced
unnoticability sits
idling in his nearly
invisible suburban
car looking more
and more nervous
as I pass between
the rows of cars

toward him
a couple of rows
of anticipation
bringing us closer
there will be mere inches
when I pass his car door
with my shopping bags
heading to my trusty
metal steed.

What if I turn on
my heals fling open
his car door
and kiss him
really, really kiss him
and look very deeply
into him holding
his gaze so he sees
that he has been seen

his channel locks
starting to spring open
then suddenly
I am in my own
innocuous gold sedan
catching the green light
out of there
just barely escaping
all that is suburban

Axis of Evil

 Tired and complacent working
too hard to lift my head up
speak up, push up against it.

Its just how the two percent
of the world’s wealthiest
people want it

running governments
and business and guns
dictating the use of resources

creating little wars
to settle scores 
mafia-like familia tantrums

seems inescapably, densely complex
powerful, uninhibitable
invisible yet omnipresent

running the whole show backstage
while we act out the rage
of our lives, working, worrying,  

showing up for our day
jobs, for life
or for war and death

taking our orders
from boardroom generals
oblivious and out-resourced

unable to keep up even
as we see we are
losing the freedom, the liberty

to edit the script
rewrite the lines, alter destiny.
But why worry?

Yin to Yang. Yang to Yin.
May take 300 years - maybe less.
In nature it is never

high noon or midnight
longer than that moment -
a reassuring and terrible thought.