At times between midpoints
not sure if I'm coming or going
staying or leaving, feeling or knowing
welcoming or dreading
all hangs in the balance
time flowing into the next fullness
dying or birthing, dying or birthing
be still, be still while the world turns
on its axis in its little orbit
its homey little pocket of the universe
I imagine its vastness is endless
unable to comprehend any edges
time and space dissipating perhaps
to the nothing of starless darkness
where no light shines yet
billions of years later -
Returning now back toward life
local time lapses this musing
like a swirling eddy spiraling off the edges
of the strong current a digression away
from the inevitable entropy
the natural progression of every summer
summoning the next big push of life energy
spent and the next time out of every winter
each fall asking - So how’d it go
How did you live, what did you sow?
Do you weep or will you reap
enough to get you through?
And if you make it through another winter
another ending, another change
would you do it all the same?
All this reflective mental game
one more hand to play
a house of cards
in the absence of blowing winds
before dreamy sleep
or balmy walks in fields of wheat
or snow so deep
my heart to keep
her universal primal beat
keeping time in a treasure chest
marked time moves on – it doesn’t rest.